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时间:02-21 来源:最新资讯 访问次数:145


原创雅思口语节目《3分钟学雅思》节目结合时事以及主流热点每期节目控制在3分钟左右,碎片化学习每周更新一期本期节目话题背景最近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe a job that you would not like to do”。说到这个话题,我想起了我先前在网上看到的一位在污水处理厂工作的网友的自述。那份工作不仅又脏又累,而且危险系数还贼高!最关键的是,日复一日的流水线工作也实在是让人提不起劲儿来。甭说这位网友大哥了,这样的工作,这搁谁也提不起劲儿啊!不信你就往下听我跟你娓娓道来吧~身心疲惫的工作环境以及复杂的工作流程也就算了,关键是这样的工作每天重复起来还像流水线一样!这真的很难让人提起劲儿呢!本期节目主持人:Sylvia本期Part 2 话题Describe a job that you would not like to doYou should sayWhat it isHow you know about the jobWhether the job is difficult or notAnd explain why you would not like to do it3分钟学雅思第十一季 Episode 6本期节目话题参考文本作者:StephenThe job I would least like to undertake is that of asewagetreatment plant worker. I saw this job online. The nature of this job involves dealing with the disposal and treatment of wastewater and sewage, presenting numerous challenges and unpleasant tasks.Firstly, the environment itself is physically demanding and often foul-smelling. Working amidst the noxious odors and potentiallyhazardoussubstances would be mentally and physically taxing. The constant exposure to such conditions couldadverselyaffect one's well-being and overall job satisfaction.Moreover, the responsibilities associated with managing and treating sewage involveintricateprocesses and specialized equipment. A minor error in handling these processes could lead to severe consequences for both the environment and public health. The pressure to maintain strict safety standards and adhere to environmental regulations adds an additional layer of stress to the job.Themonotonyand repetitiveness of the tasks, combined with the unappealing nature of the materials being handled, make this job particularly unattractive. The lack of positive public perception surrounding sewage treatment work adds a social stigma, making it a challenging profession to pursue with pride.In conclusion, the job of a sewage treatment plant worker involves a combination of physically demanding tasks, unpleasant working conditions, and potential health hazards. It is a role that I would not find personally fulfilling or suitable for my preferences and aptitudes.Words & expressions in this episode1. sewage n. 污水,污物2. hazardous adj. 危险的,有害的3. adversely adv. 不利地,有害地4. monotony n. 单调乏味,千篇一律5. intricate adj. 复杂的外教原声音频• END •想要了解更多语言学习留学与艺术留学相关问题关注新航道官方服务号获取更多内容微信公众号 ▌ 新航道官方服务号新浪微博 ▌ @新航道编辑 | Tangwy图片来源 | 新航道你的好友拍了拍你并请你帮她送个花花


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